Singing Guide: Ariana Grande & The Weeknd

Singing Guide: Ariana Grande & The Weeknd

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning How to Sing Like Ariana Grande and The Weeknd

Ariana Grande and The Weeknd have some of the most unique voices in the music industry. From Ariana's impressive range, to The Weeknd's unique vibrato, these artists have earned their place in the industry thanks to their exceptional vocal techniques.

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Ariana or The Weeknd, there are some important factors to consider. Here are some tips to help you get started.

  • Understanding Your Voice
    • Before you can start singing like your favorite artists, it's important to understand your own voice. Take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your vocal range. This test will help you identify your lowest and highest notes, which will be useful when selecting songs to practice. It is also essential to know your voice type, as this knowledge can help you find songs that suit your vocal style.
  • Breath Support and Posture
    • Breath support is a crucial component of singing. It can significantly impact the quality of your performance. You can improve your breath support by practicing breathing exercises, which can help you increase your lung capacity and control.
    • Proper posture is also important in singing. Good posture can help you breathe more efficiently and provide space for your vocal cords to vibrate freely. You can read more here about how posture affects your singing.
  • Techniques for Singing Like Ariana and The Weeknd
    • Ariana Grande's Unique Vocal Techniques
      • Whistle notes: Ariana Grande is known for her impressive whistle tones. She uses this technique to hit high notes with incredible precision.
      • Tailored Vibrato: Ariana uses a tailored vibrato, which means she varies the speed and depth of her vibrato to match the emotions of the song.
      • Belting Out with Twang: Twang is a powerful vocal technique that Ariana uses to hit those high notes, giving them the power and punch they need.
      • Chest Voice Focus: Using a vocal register called chest voice, Ariana sings low and mid-range pitches with ease, adding depth and dimension to her voice.
    • Practical Tips to Sing Like Ariana Grande
      • Practice scale exercises to help improve your vocal agility.
      • Experiment with your head and chest voice to find your unique singing style.
      • Use Twang to help you hit high notes.
      • Practice proper breathing techniques to support your voice during challenging notes.
      • Try singing along with Ariana's songs to see if you can match her pitch.
    • The Weeknd's Unique Vocal Techniques
      • Raspy Vibrato: The Weeknd's unique vibrato is both smooth and raspy, adding texture and depth to his singing.
      • Mixed Voice: The Weeknd seamlessly blends his chest voice and head voice to create a unique mixed voice.
      • Reversed Falsetto: The Weeknd's falsetto is often reverse, which means he starts with a high note and brings it down smoothly.
      • Heavy Modal Voice: This vocal technique is ideal for added emphasis to create musical impact and add emotional intensity.
    • Practical Tips to Sing Like The Weeknd
      • Practice using your mixed voice to achieve the depth heard in The Weeknd's tracks.
      • Experiment with using a reversed falsetto to recreate the artist's unique sound.
      • Try to develop some rasp in your voice for added texture.
      • Use heavy modal voice to emphasise key lines in the songs.
      • Monitor your pitch accuracy with Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test and pitch monitor tools.
  • Songs to Practice
    • Here are some songs that will help you practice singing like Ariana Grande and The Weeknd:
      • Ariana Grande: "Dangerous Woman," "7 Rings," and "Into You."
      • The Weeknd: "Blinding Lights," "Earned It," and "Can't Feel My Face."
  • Conclusion
    • Ariana Grande and The Weeknd have distinctive vocal techniques that make them both unique. Learning to sing like these artists can be challenging, but with practice, you can improve your voice and develop your own unique style. Follow these tips and practice regularly with Singing Carrots' professional tools and resources, and you'll be on your way to becoming a singing superstar in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.